
This blog is about the meaning of gay lives, discussed in mom, teen, and office friendly ways. This is not a sex blog and does not contain explicit adult content. Enjoy!

Gay, Explained

Preston Grant


Homophobe Countdown

A countdown of anti-gay politicians revealed to be gay:

This image is a screen capture. For the full and current list see here.

When social conservatives realize their internal motivations for fearing homosexuals, homophobia ends.

(via Dan Savage)

R.I.P. Dr. Laura

“Dr” Laura Slessinger embodied the belief that if we abuse people enough they will become more righteous. She was also a beacon of light for those who preach “do as I say, not as I do,” as she lamented our uncivil society in her breathtakingly uncivil ways.

Dr Laura used folksy wisdom mixed with [...]